General Questions

Are you allergic to fish or shellfish?


General Questions

Where do you get the translations for your cards and doctor notes?

All of our safety cards and documents are translated by professional translators who are knowledgeable about regional variations in language, cuisine, culture and society. They know how to set the right tone for the questions and statements that appear on the safety and allergy cards. They are a trusted foundation of our service.

Are the cards plastic? What size are they?

The cards are made of durable PVC plastic the same as a credit card. No water damage will occur. No floppy bending. They are the size of a standard credit card so they fit in a pocket or wallet. They have color printing on both sides.

When and why did you start selling these cards?

We started selling these cards in 2004 after an experience that our daughter had while traveling in Europe.  Having life-threatening food allergies to nuts and peanuts, she had very few food choices without a way to communicate with restaurants and food vendors.  We thought we could provide a service to other travelers with this same situation. 

Do the cards guarantee that I won't become ill from a meal if I'm on a special diet or have food allergies?

Although we at SelectWisely have made every effort to provide the most accurate translations possible for our cards, foreign language translation is an inexact science. In some cases, languages do not have a one-word counterpart for an item or idea, and therefore a translation must be descriptive in nature. In addition, every language is subject to regional differences stemming from local dialect or custom. We assume no responsibility for misinterpretations of the information provided on our cards.

