URGENT Help me save my house

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URGENT Help me save my house

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I set up a business and worked hard to get money through affiliate marketing 

How ever when it came to pay 1st May my account was closed and payment refused , payment was for £3000 .

Now as a result of none payment I am being forced to look full time job at 54 years old with chronic pancreatitis 

The reason I set business up was because I could automate everything 

As a result off none payment I am unable to pay my rent 

URGENT Help me save my house

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So off course I am looking for work 
but my landlord has already started the eviction process 

so it was suggested that I try go fund me 

I know not down you guys to help me out and know it is my own stupid fault 

the really sad part is June next year st 55 I retire on government pension 

no no I can’t cash in early already cashing in 12 years early 

any way not expecting anything here 
but thought I give it a try

URGENT Help me save my house

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you can also make donations paypal thanks

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