Visa to Mars?


We know these are difficult times for the Travel industry but not for your readers to think outside the box when planning for their next trip.

For this reason, iVisa has decided to launch the “Visa to Mars”, a product designed for those who cannot stop travelling.

How does it work?

Your readers would pay $10 and receive a $20 Voucher Code sent via email that can be used anytime during the next 5 years.

What will you receive in return?

We want to help you boost sales in this difficult period. So, for each $10 sale of a “Visa to Mars,” you will get your usual commission on the cost of this new product. We also believe that it is a fun and eye-catching product, with many promotional possibilities and that will attract the attention of your users.

Are you up for the challenge?

You can promote the Visa to Mars in some of your current articles, write a dedicated post, make a video on YouTube or simply share it on social networks!

Just copy and paste the following link:

Also, access our gallery of creative resources:
I want them!
And last but not least, let us reiterate that the fact that this campaign was crafted in a humorous spirit does not mean this offer isn’t real. It’s as real as it gets.

Let’s use humour while we pray for the Earth to heal

Thank you!

The iVisa Team.
