Request for Free Limited Internet Access Due to Financial Hardship.

 Dear Sir or Madam

I hope this letter finds you well. My name is Raymond, and I am writing to request your kind assistance in providing me with free limited internet access.

Due to my current financial circumstances, I do not meet the requirements for Universal Credit, which significantly affects my ability to afford essential services, including internet access. Access to the internet is vital for me to stay connected with potential employers, access educational resources, and communicate with support networks.

I understand that your company is known for its commitment to supporting the community and helping those in need. I am hopeful that you might be able to offer me a limited amount of free internet access, enabling me to overcome these challenges and work towards a more stable financial future.

I am willing to provide any documentation necessary to support my request and demonstrate my current situation. Your assistance would make a significant difference in my life, allowing me to access critical resources and opportunities that are otherwise out of reach.

Thank you very much for considering my request. I am grateful for your time and any assistance you can provide.


Raymond Duggan

18A Kennedy Way,



(My Address Is Public On Google and Websites )
